Pause1/20/2015 I am so excited for what is coming this month as we prepare for Life Action to come. I believe this will be a moment where we collectively agree with what the Lord wants to do in us and through us as a church.
I believe we are going to see great personal revival, corporate unity, and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our city as a result of what God does with us. However, I have learned a great lesson in the last two years. I have learned of my tendency to begin to operate in routine and not in revelation. This can happen so quickly for me as I tend to all the “good” things in my life and in the lives of my friends and family. Many times I get so far along in these things that I have forgotten to stop long enough to seek the Father and ask Him questions like: What do you want to see occur today? How do you see this situation I’m in? What do you believe about this person I’m having a difficult time with? Not only have I forgotten to ask God His thoughts, but I have forgotten to do the most important thing - to wait and to listen. So, my desire for this letter is for us each to remind ourselves to pause frequently and listen to the Spirit in us. His promise is to reveal to us the thoughts, will, and heart of our heavenly Father and according to scripture, He is the only one who knows these things. So, let’s pause in the middle of right now and listen. Use the rest of this time to jot down the words of the Spirit. As we approach this time with Life Action my prayer is that the greatest desire of our hearts would be to walk in obedience to God. May we desire nothing else! Amen. Shalom
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January 2017