Summer Armor Bearer Trip9/7/2016 Greetings Fredonia Hill Family,
I want to thank you for your incredible support for our Armor Bearer program over the last several years. We have seen the program grow from one to 11 and our Armor Bearers have come to be a huge part of the life and ministry which happens in this church. A few weeks ago you prayed for us as we journeyed off to a surprise destination, which I can now share was Durango, Colorado. We spent time in the mountains being amazed by the magnitude and beauty of our God as well as spent time coming together as an Armor Bearer team. I wanted to share with you a piece of poetry which Christopher Barton wrote while we were on our journey: In Your Presence Romans 11:36 One step after the other, Over narrow wooded paths, We find You in the smell of the rain, The twisting, dancing light flicking Through green leaves, Following friends for seven miles, Stretching through the mountains of Colorado, We find You in the sound of the river, The babbling of water rushing over stone, The language speaking a reminder Of the beauty of Your creation, Straying from the path, A secluded meadow to eat in, We find You in the sight of the mountains, Great monuments of your power, The earth bending beneath your will. We stand amazed in the presence of the Lord, In the awesome craftings of his hands - The sunlit peaks of the mountains displayed through living room glass, Cool air wrapping itself around gathered forms, Laughing in the presence of our Father. "For from him and through him and for him are all things.” Thank you again for praying for our journey as well as supporting all God is doing in a through these young people as they are being equipped to be tremendous leaders in their generation. Shalom.
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January 2017