Experiencing The Truth1/3/2017 Happy New Year! I pray you had a wonderful Christmas and that you are ready for an adventure with the Lord in 2017.
I want to share with you something which has given me tremendous comfort and assurance during a time of year when so many things are changing in the world around us. I was sitting in the deer stand, which is one of my favorite places to get quiet and reflect, and the thought hit me that over the previous thirty-six hours I hadn’t been particularly spiritual. Seriously, I hadn’t had any in-depth Bible studies, hadn’t finished memorizing any Scripture, and I hadn’t been part of any dramatic conversion experiences. As a matter of fact, my life over the last thirty-six hours had been pretty normal and mundane. I mean sure, in that time I had thought about the Lord, I had spent some brief time in prayer but hear me when I say, it was an extremely MUNDANE thirty-six hours. As I reflected on my lackluster thirty-six hours the Holy Spirit spoke simply and softly as He so frequently does and here’s what He spoke to my heart. “In your mundane thirty-six hours where your thoughts of the Lord have been minimal at best, God has never stopped thinking of you. He has not loved you or watched over you one iota less. God has not stopped working all things for your good nor has He forgotten the battles you are facing. In those thirty-six hours you were perfectly loved and perfectly known for who you were created to be. You were perfectly secure and completely forgiven.” But don’t we all know this? Don’t we all know that God never stops being God? We say it so often and we trumpet it loudly but so many times the things which come out of my mouth are things which I know to be true. It’s a whole different thing to experience in real life the things which we say we believe. This was one of those moments for me. In that moment I realized the power of living in the reality of the simple truth’s given to us by God. I am praying that this year we would all grow more confident in the simple truth of Scripture. Not because we learn more but because we richly experience the things our Father, God has promised us. This year I pray you are blessed through experiencing the reality of a God who is who He says He is. Shalom, Kendall McDonald
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January 2017